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Article: Local holidays sensitive to our environment

Des vacances locales sensibles à notre environnement

Local holidays sensitive to our environment

Just like last summer, the COVID-19 pandemic means that the majority of travel during summer vacations will be within a province or country. This has several positive consequences for our local economies and the environment (e.g., through the reduction of transport to travel to one's vacation spot).

However, in the summer of 2020, several regions including Gaspésie were sites of environmentally disrespectful tourism. In particular, individuals drove outside of paths intended for motorized vehicles, or left waste on the beaches.

Almost a year after these events, we would like, if we have not already done so, to raise awareness and inform you of the importance of taking care of our spaces, especially in this year when the tourist regions of Quebec will be very busy during the warm months.

Here are some ideas that you or those around you can put into action as the holidays approach:

To know something is to have more respect for all its complexity and vulnerability. Go learn more about the environment and the means at our disposal to protect it via Environment Canada's YouTube channel

Support your environment by bringing with you environmentally friendly products for their biodegradable ingredients and their zero waste nature, like our Idoine soaps

Make a donation to support research on biodiversity in Quebec parks

Before you leave, be aware of the basic principles of ecotourism , in order to support the local communities you will visit, as well as the environment

Good holidays !

Author Éliane Dussault


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